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Topic Locked
DEADLOX Founder Owner Player
10 posts
5 topics
11 months ago

Appeal your punishment


In-game nickname




What happened in short?




Describe what happened in a clear and concise manner. Be sure to include the names of any other players involved, as well as the time and date of the incident.




What was the date and time when it's happened?




Please provide the exact date and time of the incident, if possible. This will help the moderators to investigate your appeal more quickly and efficiently.




Proofs (screenshots or videos)




If you have any screenshots or videos of the incident, please attach them to your appeal. This will help the moderators to better understand what happened and make a fair decision.




Additional tips:




Be honest and sincere in your appeal.

Be respectful to the moderators.

Avoid making excuses or blaming others.

Proofread your appeal before submitting it.

Last edited: 11 months ago